To all Friends of Trek,
On March 10th we lost Dick Burke, Founder or Trek Bicycles, to complications from heart surgery.
Dick was a man that has touched all of our lives, directly or indirectly, in so many positive ways it’s impossible to measure. Dick raised a great
Dick’s son John’s words more aptly describe him:
At his 70th birthday party, “The Big Guy” gave a memorable speech about his life and how he had planned to do one more great thing. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he had a feeling. As the days passed in the hospital and the odds stacked up against him I knew that the great thing would be that he would dance with death and beat it. I was sure of it. I had the party planned.
I was wrong, he did not beat death, but he did do something great. He fought like a warrior, and he died with dignity, class and honor. He died on his terms on Monday March 10th, 2008. He said goodbye knowing that his wife loved him, his kids loved him, and that he had so many friends all over the world who followed his fight pulling for him all the way. There is a reason that a man five foot eight is called “The Big Guy.”
He was a small man with a very big heart. He leaves behind a great spirit and legacy. Come join us in celebration of his life. He leaves behind a spirit and a legacy that to whom much is given much is required.
He had 73 GREAT years and in the final sentence of a note that he left behind he signed off with…. “Thanks, it was a great ride.”
While friends and
When: Sunday March 16th – 10:00 a.m.
What: Ride to the summit of
In celebration of Dick Burke,
Greg DeCori – Territory Manager Arizona – Trek Bicycle Corporation