Junior Fundraiser
The USA selection camp for l, Abitibi is June 8 to 13.
More info on the camp can be found at: https://www.usacycling.org/regional-talent-id-camps.htm
This camp is the selection process to be chosen to race on a team to race at the tour de l, Abitibi, the worlds longest and larger junior stage race. It is an honor to go and a amazing experience coming from a recent competitor.
The cost of the camp is tremendous. Over $800 per rider just to attend the camp, and $2000 for Abitibi if you are selected. We are setting a goal of raising $4000 to spread evenly among the Landis/Trek junior members that are attending the camp. All donation will go directly to the junior riders to pay for the camp.
WMRC is a 501 c3 so all donations are tax deductible.
WMRC Juniors after Valley of the Sun SR
The Juniors have a Facebook page up where you can read all about the team! here is the link https://www.facebook.com/LandisTrekDevoTeam